Ever wondered how Baki Hanma, the powerhouse of the martial arts world, trains each week to build his godlike strength and physique? We’re about to reveal the secrets of his weekly routine that transform this anime phenom into an absolute beast.
Join us as we take a peek into the day-to-day grind of Baki and his training. It’s not your average gym session – it’s a full-blown commitment to pushing boundaries and reaching peak human performance.
Who is Baki Hanma?
The protagonist of the well-known manga and anime series “Baki the Grappler” is named Baki. The show, which was created by Keisuke Itagaki, centres on the life of a young teenage boy named Baki Hanma and his ambition to become the strongest fighter in the world.
Baki is the son of Yujiro Hanma, a legendary martial artist who is referred to as “The Strongest Creature of All Time.” The series demonstrates Yujiro’s ability to stop earthquakes and defeat entire armies with just his bare hands.

Now that we have a bit of understanding of who Baki Hanma is, let’s delve into his training routine that he completes 5 days a week, with weekends being active rest days. This could be a 30-minute jog or a yoga session that rests and relaxes the muscles.
Upper Body Strength (AM)
Bench Press: 4 x 10
Barbell Military Press: 3 x 8
Lat Pulldown: 3 x 12
Dumbbell Incline Press: 3 x 8
Barbell Bicep Curls: 4 x 10
Cable Triceps Pushdowns: 4 x 10
Mixed Martial Arts (PM)
Grappling: 3 x 3-minute rounds
Pads + Footwork: 35 minutes
20-Mile Run (AM)
HR Zone 2 or 3
Calisthenics (PM)
Push-ups: 4 x 20
Dips: 3 x 10
Pull-ups: 4 x 10
Mountain Climbers: 5 x 30s
Burpees: 3 x 10
Lower Body Strength (AM)
Barbell Squats: 4 x 10
Hamstring Curls: 3 x 10
Trap-bar Deadlifts: 4 x 6
Weighted Calf-raises: 3 x 10 (each leg)
Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 x 8 (each leg)
Barbell Hip Thrusts: 4 x 8
Boxing & HIIT (PM)
Striking + Combinations: 30 minutes
Sparring: 5 x 3-minute rounds
HIIT Session: 30s on, 30s off
- 5 x Double Unders (Jump Rope)
- 5 x Box Jumps
- 5 x Overhead Lateral Medicine Ball Slams
5-Mile Swim (AM)
3 x 1-Mile Freestyle
2 x 1-Mile Breaststroke
Boxing & HIIT (PM)
Defensive Technique + Speed: 35 minutes
Sparring: 5 x 3-minute rounds
HIIT Session: 30s on, 30s off
- 5 x Double Unders (Jump Rope)
- 5 x Box Jumps
- 5 x Overhead Lateral Medicine Ball Slams
Full Body Strength (AM)
Incline Bench Press: 3 x 12
Hack squat: 3 x 10
Barbell Row: 3 x 10
Deadlift: 4 x 10
Barbell Military Press: 4 x 8
Weighted Decline Crunches: 3 x 10
Mixed Martial Arts (PM)
Grappling: 3 x 3-minute rounds
Pads + Footwork: 35 minutes

Why Does Baki Train so Hard?
We know that Baki aspires to be the ‘strongest fighter in the world,’ but there is also a deeper meaning to his intense training regimen. Baki wants to be powerful enough to defeat his father, Yujiro. Baki’s motivation for doing this is to avenge his mother, whom Yujiro murdered.
A Testament to Martial Mastery
Witnessing the intensity and dedication that characterize his workouts, it becomes evident that Baki’s quest for strength is not just physical but a holistic pursuit that encompasses mind, body, and spirit. His training serves as a testament to the core principles of martial arts – discipline, continuous improvement, and an unrelenting passion for the craft. The echoes of his training resonate as an inspiration for all those who strive to push their limits, reminding us that true strength is not just a destination; it’s a perpetual journey of self-discovery and relentless determination.